The Foreigner
Written by Larry Shue
Directed by David Stock 1989
The Cast
Bud Abbott …....... Froggy LeSueur
Jim Cameron ….... Charlie Baker
Chris Simpson …. Ellard Simms
Florence Dyck .….. Betty Meeks
Jim Sawyer …........ Rev. David Marshall Lee
Elizabeth Ross ..… Catherine Simms
Terry Miller .......….. Owen Musser
Ryan Harvey & Mike Detta ... Townspeople
The Crew
Carol Hartley …......... Producer
Harriet Pollock .....…. Publicity
Lorraine Harvey …... Stage Manager
Marge Spring ...…...... Assistant Stage Manager
David Stock …............ Set Design
Dawn Fenwick &
Hollis Wheaton …...... Properties
Rolly Grim, Walter Grim &
Dan Flagel …................ Set Construction
Bob Kary ...................... Lighting Design
Steve Temple …......... Sound
Jeanette Cameron …. Costume Design
Greg Miller …................ Poster Design
Joanne Bellanger ..... Front of House
Jessie Arbuckle …....... Wine & Cheese
Trying to forget his marital problems, dull and doleful Charlie Baker takes a fishing-lodge holiday in the Deep South of America. To avoid being pestered by the locals, he pretends to be a foreigner
who speaks no English.
We staged this play a second time in 2014!
Learn more from our Production Gallery.